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If you are expecting a parcel to be delivered or sent out please log a ticket to let us know the details.

Please note ALL Royal Mail deliveries to London are redirected to York Office.

Someone should be present to Sign for/Accept deliveries

If unboxing the parcel in office you must agree to remove all rubbish and dispose correctly in the dedicated bins – either general waste or recycling. If you do not know the location of these bins, please contact Facilities@advance-he.ac.uk

If absolutely necessary, parcels can be stored within your chosen office. However, in this circumstance you must agree to comply with the Advance HE Health & Safety policy, ensuring that your parcel is stored in a safe way, as to not pose harm or risks to persons or property. This includes stacking multiple heavy boxes on top of one another or blocking an emergency exit route. Any questions regarding Health & Safety should be sent to Facilities@advance-he.ac.uk